
Thursday, April 11, 2019

F.A F.Sc I.Cs Part 2 Important Short Questions of English)

 Important Short Questions



Book II (Modern Prose and Heroes)

  1.   In what field, according to Darrel Barnard and Lon Edward, has the scientific method helped us ?
  2. How can the failure of the talented students be prevented ?
  3. What do the lazy bluffers do in college ?
  4.  What was the Daiches Attitude towards the weekend as a school boy ?
  5. What sort of books were presented by the people to the soldiers ?
  6. How did Jerome K. Jerome come to know that his liver is out of order ?
  7. How has the population of cities been controlled in China ?
  8. What was the Condition of Hungary Children in Kenya ?
  9. Where did Abd al Rehamn escape and how did he live there ?
  10. What are temperature belts ?
  11. What happened to most of the babies in Past ?
  12. How are sometimes Parents responsible for the failure of their sons  ?
  13. What was the prescription given to Jerome K Jerome by the Doctor ?
  14. Why did Leacock go to the bank ?
  15. Describe a day in a life of the Chinese student ?
  16. How did Al Hakam promote Knowledge ?
  17. Is Human Life confide to the earth only ? If so why ?
  18. What do you mean by an attitude ?
  19. What do the insanitary conditions cause ?
  20. How does the financial pressure leads to the failure ?
  21. Describe Christmas and Easter holidays the writer enjoyed during his school life ?
  22. What sort of books did the author get accumulated in his flat ?
  23. What was the reaction of the bank employees when Stephen leacock left the bank ?
  24. What was the attitude of the world toward China after the revolution of 1949 ?
  25. How do birth rate and death rate afeect the population of country ?
  26. What conditions are necessary for the kind of life we know, to exist on other heavenly bodies ?
  27. how has the scientific method helped us in the production and preservation of foods ?
  28. How does financial pressure lead to the failure of the students ?
  29. Write down the prescription for the doctor wrote for Jerome k. Jerome ?
  30. Describe the reaction of the bank employees when Leacock left the bank ?
  31. What is the main reason of population increase today ?
  32. How did Al Hakam promote learning in Muslim Spain ?
  33. How is it that a star seldom find another star near it ?
  34. Why was the variety of food limited in the past ?
  35. In which two classes does the writer divide the unsuccessful boys ?
  36. What is meant by mistaken ambition ?
  37. How can the problem of population explosiom be solved ?
  38. How did the writer muster up his courage to at last to fling the books into the river ?
  39. Describe Jerome's visit to the medical man ?
  40. Why did the writer get confused in the bank ?
  41. Write a note on Chinese women ?
  42. What are planets and how did they come into being ?
  43. What part did astrology play in the lives of people in the past ?
  44. How are sometimes parents are responsible for the failure of the son ?
  45. Why could Daiches never like going to school ?
  46. After the mis adventure in bank, where did Leacock keep his money ?
  47. What is the secret of China's progress ?
  48. What is the agricultural system of China ?

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