Biology 10th Class Important Long and Short Questions
Long Question
List of 10th Class Important Topics (Long Questions) of Biology
Ch#1:-Difference between Respiration and Breathing Stomata and lenticels, Glottis and Epiglottis, Bronchi and Bronchioles, Emphysema, Asthma
Ch#3:-Nerve cell or Neuron, Division of Brain, Structure of Eye, Pituitary gland, Feed back mechanism. Del’s law of Independent Assortment, Contentious and discontinuous variations, Artificial Selection.
Ch#2:-Osmoregulation, Excretion, Thermoregulation, Xerophytes, Function of Skin, Structure of Nephron, Kidney Failure, Kidney Transplant.
Ch#7: -population, Community, Ecosystem, Producers, Consumers, Food Chain and Food Web, Carbon Cycle and Nitrogen Cycle, Symbiosis Air Pollution and Water Pollution, Conservation of Nature.
Important Topic
Two situation face by leaf, mechanism of breathing, asthma,pnemonia, lung cancer, homestasis in plants, bed effect of smoking, eye structre, balance maintang by ear, adrenal gland pancreas, discords of nervous systm, muscles nd movement, types of cartilages, human skeleton, urinry systm of human, kidney complete, nerve cel, cerebrum peripheral nervous system, naturl propagatn in plants, double fertilization, asexual reproduction, germinatn of seed, aids, fertilazatncentral dogma, nitrogen nd carbon cycle, symbiosis , air & water polution, 3Rs, biotechnology, fermentation, genetic engenerng, drugs, hallucinogens, vaccines, antibiotic resistance, law of segregation, variation lead to the evolution, mechanism of evolution, component of ecosystem
Short question...
Define Glomerular Filtrate?
Define goiter.
Define global warming.
Define food chain and food web.
Define genotype and phenotype.
Define flexor and flexion.
Define extensor and extension.
Define feedback mechanism?
Define ecosystem. Give examples.
Define Diaphragm.
Define double fertilization.
Define deforestation.
Define Coordination and give example.
Define cross-pollination. How is it brought about?
Define Chondrocytes?
Define Codominance.
Define commensalisms. Give an example.
Define Cellular Respiration.
Define Budding in Hydra.
Define Bulbs.
Define Biotechnology.
Define Binary Fission in Unicellular Eukaryotes.
Briefly describe the technique of tissue culture.
Define Binary Fission.
Define antagonism.
Define a drug. State the types of drugs.
Define a joint? What is their role?
Compare endocrine and exocrine gland.
List of Important Practicals of Biology for Class
Describe the target age of epilepsy?
Differentiate between Acute and Chronic bronchitis.
Describe the function of urinary bladder and urethra is the human urinary system?
Define Xerophytes.
Describe the common disorders of the eye.
Describe briefly Mendel’s contribution in the field of genetics.
Define water pollution.
Define vascular and functional disorders?
Define Support and Movement. Give its examples.
Define transpiration.
Define the skeleton and endoskeleton.
Define reflex action and reflex arc.
Define Seed Coat.
Define receptors. Name the main receptors in man.
Define pollination. Name its types.
Define pollution.
Define Parthenogenesis.
Define osmoregulation.
Define osmosis.
Define nucleosome.
Define Neuron.
Define nitrogen fixation. How does it occur?
Define the Nasal Cavity.
Define the liftman Skeleton? Give its types.
Define mutualism. Give an example.
Define the law of thermodynamics.
Define the law of Independent Assortment.
Define the law of segregation.
Define the hormone.
What are different parts of angiosperm seeds?
What are alveoli?
What are acid rains?
What are Adrenal Glands?
What are the advantages of SCP?
Name two disorders of the nervous system.
What are ligaments and tendons? What function do they perform?
Name the types of coordination.
Name parts of the adrenal gland and their hormones.
Name the types of coordination in the living organism.
In chemical coordination, who act as effectors?
How Nitrogen Fixation Occur in nature?
How plants remove metabolic wastes from their body?
Give advantage and disadvantages of vegetative, Propagation of plants
Distinguish between respiration and breathing?
Explain homeostasis with an example.
Differentiate between natural and artificial selection.
Differentiate between the modes of nervous and chemical co-ordinations.
Differentiate between voluntary action and involuntary action.
Differentiate between spinal and cranial nerves.
Differentiate between osteoporosis and arthritis.
Differentiate between renewable and nonrenewable natural resources?
Differentiate between negative feedback and positive feedback?
Differentiate between inspiration and expiration.
Differentiate between narcotics and hallucinogens.
Differentiate between breathing and cellular respiration.
What are the parts of the urinary system?
What are they caused of osteoporosis?
What are the parts of the Axial skeleton?
What are the major organs involved in homeostasis in the human body? State the roles of each of these organs.
What are the objectives of genetic engineering?
What are the main components of coordination?
What are the functions of the sympathetic system?
What are the homozygous and heterozygous genotypes?
What are the functions of the parasympathetic system?
What are the effects of deforestation?
What are the effects of smoking on our teeth?
What are the symptoms of pneumonia?
What are the symptoms of Asthma?
What are the symptoms of bronchitis?
What are Stomata?
What are parathyroid Glands?
What are renal cortex and renal medulla?
What are hydrophytes? How they remove excess water?
What are halophytes?
What are Hinge joints? Give example.
What are endospores?
What are decomposers?
What is lithotripsy?
What is homeostasis? Give example.
What is the greenhouse effect?
What is homeostasis?
What is glottis?
What is the Expiration?
What is Fragmentation?
What is the difference between breathing and respiration?
What is diabetes mellitus?
What is diaphragm?
What is Corolla? What is its role?
What is chromatin?
What is cloning?
What is cerebrum? What are their functions?
What is Biosphere?
What is bronchitis?
What is biological nitrogen fixation?
What is Alternation of Generation?
What is arteriosclerosis?
What is aerobic respiration?
What do you mean by dominant and recessive alleles?
What do you mean by Hormone?
What do you know about antigens and antibodies?
What are the vocal cords?
What are xerophytes? How do they reduce the loss of water?
What are various components of the Ecosystem?
What is the location of kidneys in the body?
What is the function of sensory neuron and motor neuron?
What is the function of temporal lobe?
What are the function of occipital lobe and temporal lobe in the human brain?
What is the difference between compact and spongy bone?
What is the effect of carbon monoxide present in tobacco smoke?
What is the spinal cord?
What is seed dormancy?
What is seed germination?
What is salutatory Impulse?
What is renal tubule? What are its parts?
What is Rhizomes?
What is Reflex action?
What is Pharynx?
What is pneumonia?
What is peritoneal dialysis?
What is Osmoregulation?
What is passive smoking? What is its effect?
What is nitrification?
What is mRNA?
What is nicotine?
What is marijuana? What is its source?
What is a modern evolutionary theory?
What is lung cancer?
What is a kidney transplant?
Write down the difference between inspiration and expiration?
Write down the function of coordinator?
Write down the cause of paralysis?
Write down examples of response?
Write a note on the Autonomic Nervous System.
Write about the contribution of Ali Ibn-e-Sina about the eye?
Why transpiration does not take place at night?
Which drugs are taken in epilepsy?
Which hormones are secreted by glands? What functions are controlled by these hormones?
What is a stimulus? Give examples.
Where fibrous cartilage is found?
What steps are involved in the formation of Urine in the kidneys?
What is the voice box?
What is tubular secretion?
What is Vegetative Propagation?
What is the role of biotechnology in the field of medicine and agriculture?
Write the role of skin in homeostasis?
Write the types of Coordination.
Write the names of two types of cartilage.
Write the names of components of Coordination Action.
Write the names of the hormones secreted by ovaries.
Write the functions of the hypothalamus.
Write the name of three main parts of the brain?
Write the difference between Elastic cartilage and Fibrous cartilage?
Write four symptoms of pneumonia.
Write down types and symptoms of Bronchitis?
Write down types of nerves on basis of axon characters?
Write down the symptoms and treatment of Asthma?
Write down the differences among motor neurons, sensory neurons, and inter-neurons?
Write down the normal chemical composition of urine?